Dreamingly Yours

( written for W3 Prompt #61: Wea’ve Written Weekly)


Lush green,

Land, snow peaks,

By Gange’s bank,

Where wind chimes music,

Cuckoo sings melody,

Innocence in abundance,

Nature’s blessing and no disguise,

Far from jealousy, hatred and greed,

Lies my dreamy-tiny-divine hamlet.


Good evening and see you next time.

W3 Prompt #61: Wea’ve Written Weekly


  • Heather’s prompt guidelines-
  • Write a poem in any style about a place that evokes emotion (a place where you find poetry);
    • It could be a place you go daily; perhaps from your childhood; or a place you may have only dreamed of. It may be under your favourite tree; a sports field; the lake; a coffee shop; your comfy chair; the dreaded dentist’s chair; or on a plane in the clouds… the possibilities are endless.

Published by J M Negi

No experience only flair

18 thoughts on “Dreamingly Yours

  1. I came across this blog post titled Dreamingly Yours and it caught my attention. It’s a beautifully written article that explores the power of dreams and the importance of pursuing them. It emphasizes the idea that dreams are not just fantasies, but can be the driving force behind our actions and achievements. Overall, it’s an inspiring read that reminds us to never stop dreaming.
    Regard Mel

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