Strangely Yours

Advertisements ( Written for W3 Prompt #100: Wea’ve Written Weekly )   ( I don’t know if one finds any introspective perspective in this… but if not, I will INTROSPECT myself 😊😀 so request to deem the introspection version included to that extent. 😜) There are ones we spent the whole life with and theyContinue reading “Strangely Yours”

Mischievously Yours

Advertisements “Breath-taking breaths of hers when breathed in by me took my breath away” 14 words- It takes 14 words to take a breath away; well! it never occurred to me. Sammi’s weekend writing prompt #302 Sammi prompts us to use the word “breathtaking” in a piece of poetry or prose that is exactly 14 words long. GoodContinue reading “Mischievously Yours”

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