Blindly Yours

(Written for W3 Prompt #98: Wea’ve Written Weekly)

Insouciant to him or discernibly sultry towards him,
whether she in love, in vengeance or full of hate….
Even a warrior cannot fathom

the beguile scent of a woman and the depth of her heart,
A fighter comes out winning the battle

against all conspiracies and instigation
all deception, mistrust, swindles and all betrayals

But loses to the simple unarmed one…
more lethal and deadly than anyone one else he fought
and still surrenders to her bosom…

to her mercy…
To live or die, he knows it, still
what he can’t ignore is
“the scent of the woman”


W3 Prompt #98: Wea’ve Written Weekly

Good evening and see you next time…

Guidelines- The W3 Weekly Poetry Prompt #98 Poet of the Week Nigel Byng invites us to write an ekphrastic poem inspired by Peter Paul Rubens’ (1577–1640) painting of Samson and Delilah (above). He further adds to try this additional challenge: include this line from Samson’s wedding riddle: Out of the strong came something sweet.

Published by J M Negi

No experience only flair

31 thoughts on “Blindly Yours

  1. It so intoxicating.. so debilitating. The scent of a woman reflects the allure of the painting. Samson and Delilah is such a tragic story. I love your response to the prompt JM. Very well written. 💜💜

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